Bees living at VINCI Construction CS Group headquarters

Bees living at VINCI Construction CS Group headquarters

Bees have taken up residence on the roof of the EUROVIA CS headquarters building. However, their mission is not to produce honey, as many would expect, but to help nature maintain biodiversity.

Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the importance of bees. However, we are conscious of their irreplaceable role in the cycle of nature and we are therefore pleased that they are thriving with us.  For this, we owe our thanks to head controller Jan Hudeček, for whom beekeeping is a hobby.

Every year, up to 30% of bees die every year due to human-related causes. Bees are of crucial importance to human life. Most people think that the purpose of bees is to produce honey, but this is rather a secondary activity. Their real importance and benefit consist in pollinating plants. Up to 90% of fruits and vegetables and 84% of agricultural crop species depend at least partly on pollination by insects. Without the hard work of bees, we would not be able to enjoy, for example, strawberries, cherries, cucumbers and apples, or even coffee, cocoa, almonds and many other foods.

In addition to their positive impact on agricultural production, bees also contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in the wild. Without bees, wind-pollinated plants such as conifers and birch trees would dominate and gradually crowd out flowers, fruit trees and shrubs, which comprise up to 80% of all plants. Without bees, nature would not only lose its diversity, but the animals that depend on that diversity would also die out.

In the current era of climate change, bee die-off is a major problem. The key to stopping their alarming decline is not only sustainable beekeeping and agriculture, but especially education.