We focus on pre-stressing reinforced-concrete structures.
of development of the unique Freyssinet system

About the company
FREYSSINET CS developed the completely new Freyssinet pre-stressing system, which has been continuously improved and enhanced for use in the broadest range of applications not only in new construction projects, but also in the repair and refurbishment of existing structures.
Based on the company’s extensive experience, other systems have been developed that represent a full range of unique technological processes and materials and comprise a comprehensive solution for remediation, repair, refurbishment and strengthening of all types of structures. These systems are included under the brand Foreva, which is a guarantee of the highest quality.

Registered office
Královická 267
250 61 Zápy
Identification no.: 61673048
Tax identification no.: CZ61673048
Ref. no. B 3720/MSPH Municipal Court in Prague
Company management
Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board of Directors and Company Director
Bc. Miroslav Havlíček
Members of the Board of Directors
Ing. Petr Kalabis
Pascal Thillerot
Pascal Sébastien Rochedreux
Julien Erdogan
Ing. Miroslav Trnka